Monthly Weekly Daily List
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- 5GET OUT & PLAY10:00 AM - 1:00 PMwednesday, March 5th from 10-1pm Kids, let’s have some fun at the Club. Our counselors have planned some fun activities just for you! Snacks, too. All ages welcome to participate. Cost $12 per child. Please RSVP. , ...
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- 8WEE BIT O’ WINE7:00 PM - 9:00 PMSaturday, March 8th beginning at 7pm/ Gather up your friends & head on over to the Club. Join us for laughs with neighbors & friends. Sip, sample & learn about a variety of wines. Bring an appetizer or dessert to share, if you wish. Cost: $17 per person. Please RSVP. , ...
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- 12Bunco7:00 PM - 9:00 PMWednesday, March 12th at 7p Join us few rounds of Bunco. , ...
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- 15KIDS NIGHt out “Lucky Charms”6:00 PM - 9:00 PMSaturday, March 15th from 6-9pm Wear your green. A lot O’ fun tonight! We will be making Lucky Charm Goo & Shamrock Pretzel Treats. Get your game on & be ready to play these fun games: Potato Bowl, Clover Hunt, Pot O’ Gold Toss, Guess The Rainbow & More! Pizza, snacks, games & a movie! Cost: , ...
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- 26BOOKS & BEYOND7:00 PM - 9:00 PMWednesday, March 26th at 7p We are reading “Tell Me Everything” by Elizabeth Strout. , ...
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- 28GREAT SUFFOLK CLEANUP FOR RIVERFRONT & HARBOUR VIEW COMMUNITIESAll DayGREAT SUFFOLK CLEANUP FOR RIVERFRONT & HARBOUR VIEW COMMUNITIES March 28th & March 29th You’ve already made a huge difference by participating in the past, joining thousands of others in this impactful event, and now we’re aiming even higher! This year, we’re setting our sights on a goal of 25 , ...
- 29GREAT SUFFOLK CLEANUP FOR RIVERFRONT & HARBOUR VIEW COMMUNITIESAll DayGREAT SUFFOLK CLEANUP FOR RIVERFRONT & HARBOUR VIEW COMMUNITIES March 28th & March 29th You’ve already made a huge difference by participating in the past, joining thousands of others in this impactful event, and now we’re aiming even higher! This year, we’re setting our sights on a goal of 25 , ...
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